Mr, Mrs, Miss and Master

A place to preserve memories so that many yesterdays continue to be fresh today... 无论是好是坏,每一种心情记忆,都是一份感动…… 因为感动,爱才变得那样美丽……

Monday, August 14, 2006

The first time Miss went without Mrs

Since Miss joined the trio, Mrs was always with her every night without fail but guess this record lasted for 2 yrs and was broken last weekend.

It was all becoz of the hens' gathering @ the shopping paradise - Hong Kong. Yes, but I guess sometimes records are meant to be broken so that pple remember them better...? And it was a nice break that Mrs long deserves. Anyway, a good get-together and bonding oppty for Mr and Miss too, as described by Mrs...

We prepared Miss everyday prior to the weekend. And I presumed it was well done. We could see that she was mentally prepared for Mrs 'disappearance' when she got up on that Friday morning. Although she woke up later in the afternoon nap, crying for her mom, she was very quickly pacified... But honestly, if Mrs saw Miss's teary eyes, repeating '不要妈咪去香港', she might booked the earliest flight back to Beijing.

Overall, the weekend was a very special 3D2N for Mr and Miss (I wish to assume Miss also feel likewise)...


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