Mr, Mrs, Miss and Master

A place to preserve memories so that many yesterdays continue to be fresh today... 无论是好是坏,每一种心情记忆,都是一份感动…… 因为感动,爱才变得那样美丽……

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It all begins from here

Yes, it begins here but story started much much earlier...
I can still remember how the 2 of us came together and when the 3rd make the 2 complete. But somehow, many happenings along the way flash and go before my memory can archive them. I'm sure I'm the worse among the 3 and thus before I lose more of these treasured moments, I decided to take this initiative to save them somewhere...
I'm sure Mrs won't mind and probably would find this sweet. Miss won't mind either coz anyway she shall for the moment stay only as one of the main casts.
I'm excited, although now seemingly calm and composed (if anyone sees me now)...

有些事是需要记忆的,因为它记载的是份心情。曾经若没有了记忆有没有也就无所谓了 ... ...


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