Mr, Mrs, Miss and Master

A place to preserve memories so that many yesterdays continue to be fresh today... 无论是好是坏,每一种心情记忆,都是一份感动…… 因为感动,爱才变得那样美丽……

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Charity Bazaar 2006

Air flown Kaya, rambutans, starfruits, bangawan solo kui tak pis... .... excuse me but where are the ultimate durians?? Oops! Sorry! It was held up at the customs as the FRAGRANCE are so ULTIMATE that the custom officers decided to keep them for themselves!

Haha! Just jokin lah! The Charity Bazaar has certainly worned many people out this round but from the look of their faces.... Hmmm, I think at the end of the day, to a certain extent, the people, including MISS, still had their fun! =)

Life in Beijing is 'exciting', isn't it??

Afterall, its for a good cause. Who says Singaporeans are not charitable??

Thursday, September 21, 2006

1st ALC performance in Beijing

Eh Ha! The ladies are displaying their talents as well.... after months of Taichi lessons, I'm sure it has certainly helped in their speedy mastery and perfection towards the grand YOGA ENSEMBLE!

LoOK at them... Who knows they have only started stretching their limps 2 weeks ago?

Saturday, September 09, 2006


3个多小时的车程把我们从北京送到了怀来,其实出了北京五环到另一座城市之前什么地方都没什么太大的区别, 就是农村、田野、荒郊、偶见一些平房错落在路旁,不规整地排出一种中国特有的秩序。




采摘葡萄 ----- 一种新奇体验,什么时候我们已把人家求生的依靠作为都市人娱乐消遣的玩意?

龙徽美酒 ----- 美酒,中国人的字典里古已有之。在努力创造一种自我品牌的同时,东方人又为何会以生产出西方美酒而沾沾自喜?50、60 年代酱油瓶里装着东方出产的西方式美酒。是骨子里的崇洋献媚?还是一种更高调的世界大同?

玻璃杯 ------- 什么样的酒需要什么样的杯,就像什么样的文化需要什么样的载体。把酒倒入其他的杯也同样能喝,但若仔细品味感觉会有不同。文化也一样能由其他载体呈现,但离开了中国语言,味道也就不一样了。管它呢!有人说,反正吃下去都一样啊! 嗯…… 这听来真有点浪费……

Sunday, September 03, 2006

It's a Pot-Luck!

A fine Saturday evening, set up impromptu, timing synchronised, friends gathered, food come together, laughters mingled, chatters hovered, stomachs filled, champagne toasted..... and finally leftovers left over-'ed'... ...

Good food, good company... Alas! Even the kids are enjoying themselves...

By the way, did anyone ask what's the special occasion?? ....

Hmm... ... Must always have reasons one meh??!! Why? Mee Pok mai Hiam cannot, Pot-Luck no occasion also cannot meh?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Mummy! I'm better than you!

It was during the fine evening at the little more than spacious kitchen, that Miss declared a challenge to her 5 ft tall mommy... (By the way, Mrs took minimumly 3 sessions to get herself balance on wheels).

Here was she, patiently waited for Mr to put on her full gear. Sometimes, Mr and Mrs must really take their hats off for her patience. The helmet alone took Mr almost 20 minutes to adjust to fit Miss's head nicely....

And there she went.... ON HER TWO ROLLERS!! Guess what, she was able to balance herself almost instantly! After a few test-runs, she was daringly moving herself, one step at a time... Ha! Mr and Mrs simply couldn't believe their eyes! AMAZING! No wonder there's a saying 'Just borned Cow Not Scared of TIGER' leh! This little monkey sure also never blink an eye over her tigress mommy....

By the way, Mrs also not too bad lah, now she is able to enjoy her blading more than stressing over it already....